Transformation coaching

The goal of my transformation coaching is

to become aware of the forces that act within us through our subconscious.

We can only live truly free when we look inward with unflinching and loving curiosity. Like explorers of unknown worlds, we observe, sense, and reflect on ourselves. Feeling and perceiving our emotional states are important steps on this path.

Our personal history is just the lid of the entry hatch, to this in our daily lives hidden world, which influences us so strongly. To free ourselves from these unconscious and thus automatically occurring behavior patterns, they need to be seen, perceived, and integrated. This can sometimes be a very intense and even painful experience, but seen as the birth pain for a liberated existence, it is an immensely enriching and rewarding effort and a significant step towards a self-determined life.

My offer is right for you

…if you feel like you keep slipping into behavioral patterns that prevent you from living freely and empowered. You find yourself in situations that hinder your growth, making you feel constrained, unfree, and manipulated. But you want to change that now. You are ready to step out of your comfort zone.

You want to learn to hear your own voice and live your own truth. You want to develop strong self-esteem and remain unaffected by external events in this self-awareness. You sense that there is much more within you that wants to be liberated and lived out.

Engaging with and actively living your potentials in everyday life helps you recognize belief systems, self-protection programs and survival mechanisms that developed over your lifetime. These stand between our conscious intentions and our subconscious behavior, such as self-boycott and self-sabotage.

Together, we will embark on a journey to find the origin of these behavioural patterns, the so-called Primal Wound and resolve it

The Primal Wound

The Primal Wound is an injury that everyone experiences in different forms. For most, this occurs in early childhood, and it is the moment when we first consciously fall out of our primal trust.

This can happen due to an offhand remark from the mother, roughness from the father, or even far more traumatic experiences. In our perception, it is the moment when our physical, mental, or emotional integrity is no longer guaranteed. Moments when we feel completely abandoned, defenseless and exposed.

Following this event, we develop behavioural patterns to protect ourselves from ever experiencing this feeling again. Everything is done to avoid it, even if it means completely denying and disguising ourselves, ignoring our own nature and needs.

To resolve this Primal Wound, we must recognize it, accept it and integrate the pain. Only then can we free ourselves from its influence.

The Primal Wound

The Primal Wound is an injury that everyone experiences in different forms. For most, this occurs in early childhood, and it is the moment when we first consciously fall out of our primal trust.

This can happen due to an offhand remark from the mother, roughness from the father, or even far more traumatic experiences. In our perception, it is the moment when our physical, mental, or emotional integrity is no longer guaranteed. Moments when we feel completely abandoned, defenseless and exposed.

Following this event, we develop behavioural patterns to protect ourselves from ever experiencing this feeling again. Everything is done to avoid it, even if it means completely denying and disguising ourselves, ignoring our own nature and needs.

To resolve this Primal Wound, we must recognize it, accept it and integrate the pain. Only then can we free ourselves from its influence.

Transformation Coaching

Potentials of Being Analysis and evaluation with a detailed introduction to your personal potentials of being.
Instructions and exercises to help you recognize which potentials you are already living and which ones you want to use more actively.
Then begins the exploration of your imprints and beliefs that hinder your free development. Every external trigger is welcome, and we will jointly uncover what is really going on, what is behind these habits, and gradually reach your true, authentic self, layer by layer.



Potentials of Being
Analysis + Evaluation

12 coaching sessions, max 90 minutes each, over a period of 4-6 months

Adventure in Portugal

For those who desire an even more intensive encounter with their potentials of being and opportunities for transformation, I offer a retreat: